
Launch of our new eTraining THE ART OF PITCHING
Experts in the eTraining: Andreas Bareiss, Jan Miller, Oliver Zeller

Launch of our new eTraining THE ART OF PITCHING

25. März 2021 –

 Early Bird price available until April 30

We are happy to announce that our new eTraining THE ART OF PITCHING is out now. The course is funded by Creative Europe MEDIA and Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg.

Three highly experienced TV and film industry professionals share their expertise in our new eTraining The Art of Pitching. They explain how to prepare, carry out and follow up a pitch to give you an idea of what a perfect pitch looks like and what it takes to convince the right people of your idea.


  • Jan Miller is a professional International Consultant and has taught countless people across the globe how to pitch perfectly.
  • Oliver Zeller is a Funding Executive at Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg.He explains what he is paying attention to when he receives pitches.
  • Andreas Bareiss is an internationally renowned Executive Producer working for GAUMONT and realised successful projects like THE BARBARIANS and Oscar-winning NOWHERE IN AFRICA. In The Art of Pitching, he shares his experiences on being in a hybrid role as someone who receives pitches and also pitches himself.


  • Essential elements of a perfect pitch
  • How to prepare a pitch
  • Most common pitching situations
  • Questions that need to be answered
  • How to pitch for a streamer
  • Case Study – THE BARBARIANS

Please note that the early bird price in the amount of 150,- € is available until April 30.

Full scholarships are available. Apply until April 30!

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Nora Rennmann
Nora Rennmann
Marketing & Communication Managerin
+49 (0) 331.76 9 915-10 |
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